Disability B.E.E. Group

Join the Disability B.E.E. Group this month online.  This group meets the third Tuesday of the month. The group will be continuing with their discussion of advocacy. Join Disability B.E.E. Group https://zoom.us/j/7098055532?pwd=eUwxZ1ZHbE9jdXNHOXRpOFprLzZBZz09

2nd Annual Friendsgiving

Portico Cafe 1001 N. Florida Ave, Tampa, FL, United States

We are excited to celebrate Friendsgiving this month. We are asking families to bring a side, or dessert to share with the group. We will provide the turkey, and paper products. Please follow this link to share what you will bring.

Caregiver B.E.E. Group

Join the Caregiver B.E.E. Group this month online.  We meet the fourth Thursday of the month. Rebecca Weaver will join us to discuss holiday wellness. Join Caregiver B.E.E. Group https://zoom.us/j/7098055532?pwd=eUwxZ1ZHbE9jdXNHOXRpOFprLzZBZz09

Holiday Party

Portico Cafe 1001 N. Florida Ave, Tampa, FL, United States

We will celebrate the holidays with a party.


Entrepreneur B.E.E. Group

Join the Entrepreneur B.E.E. Group this month online. We meet the second Tuesday of every month. Join Entrepreneur B.E.E. Group https://zoom.us/j/7098055532?pwd=eUwxZ1ZHbE9jdXNHOXRpOFprLzZBZz09


Holiday Crafts and Carols

Habana Health Care Center 2916 Habana Way, Tampa, FL, United States

We will be meeting at the Habana Healthcare Center for holiday crafts and carols.


Disability B.E.E. Group

Join the Disability B.E.E. Group this month online.  This group meets the third Thursday of the month. Join Disability B.E.E. Group https://zoom.us/j/7098055532?pwd=eUwxZ1ZHbE9jdXNHOXRpOFprLzZBZz09


Caregiver B.E.E. Group

Join the Caregiver B.E.E. Group this month online.  We meet the fourth Thursday of the month. NOTE: This month we may change to an in person meeting.  Details to follow. Join Caregiver B.E.E. Group https://zoom.us/j/7098055532?pwd=eUwxZ1ZHbE9jdXNHOXRpOFprLzZBZz09


Entrepreneur B.E.E. Group

Join this month's Entrepreneur B.E.E. Group! Trisha George, one of our board members, will be joining this session. With over 20 years dedicated to business development within the construction industry, Trisha brings extensive expertise in fostering growth and driving strategic initiatives. For the past decade, her focus has been on navigating the intricacies of international […]


Train the Trainer

This class will teach our members how they can be a trainer.  We will share ideas and techniques for holding classes in their particular interests. Please note this training will be on Zoom and not in person. Join using this link:    https://zoom.us/j/7098055532?pwd=eUwxZ1ZHbE9jdXNHOXRpOFprLzZBZz09


Disability B.E.E. Group

This month's topic is: Why does representation matter? Join using either Facebook Live or the Zoom link. Please click this URL to start or join. https://zoom.us/j/7098055532?pwd=eUwxZ1ZHbE9jdXNHOXRpOFprLzZBZz09 Or, go to https://zoom.us/join and enter meeting ID: 709 805 5532 and password: 746382


Caregiver B.E.E. Group

Join the Caregiver B.E.E. Group. Please click this URL to start or join. https://zoom.us/j/7098055532?pwd=eUwxZ1ZHbE9jdXNHOXRpOFprLzZBZz09 Or, go to https://zoom.us/join and enter meeting ID: 709 805 5532 and password: 746382


*Bring Your Own Independence

The Hive Inclusive Community is not a service provider and does not provide caregiving or support staff to meet individualized, customized, one-on-one needs. The Hive’s vision of inclusion is based on the fundamental concept of “Bring Your Own Independence”.

Members are encouraged to bring with them the individuals and personal supports needed to help them fully access and enjoy the benefits of being a member of The Hive community.