Cooking – Gumbo

Join Tonya's mom, Cheryl Washington, as she teaches us how to cook soul food. This class will be on Zoom. Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 709 805 5532 Passcode: 746382  

Art – Creating Hearts Program

John F. Germany Public Library Auditorium 900 N. Ashley Dr., Tampa, FL, United States

"Creating Hearts Programs” is an initiative of the Kristin Tomasello Foundation that inspires creativity, compassion, and connection within the special needs community. Through art, music, and interactive activities, we provide […]

Cooking – Tater Tots

Join Tonya's mom, Cheryl Washington, as she teaches us fun ways to cook tater tots. This class will be on Zoom. Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 709 805 5532 Passcode: 746382

Cooking – Empanadas

Join Hive Board Member, Kim Mormon, as she teaches us how to cook empanadas. This class will be on Zoom. Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 709 805 5532 Passcode: 746382

*Bring Your Own Independence

The Hive Inclusive Community is not a service provider and does not provide caregiving or support staff to meet individualized, customized, one-on-one needs. The Hive’s vision of inclusion is based on the fundamental concept of “Bring Your Own Independence”.

Members are encouraged to bring with them the individuals and personal supports needed to help them fully access and enjoy the benefits of being a member of The Hive community.